


language learning
daily life

It was still cold today, but it was already better than previous days. It was about -3 centidegree when I went out this morning. I went to the hospital which is 4 kilometers from my home to get medicine for my father's chronic illness.

As a result of COVID-19 in China, we must make an appointment online (by Apps on smartphone or Applets on WeChat or AliPay) before we went to hospitals. I have made the appointment on Jan 1st.

Before I can enter the hospital, I must show a health code to the guard on the gate to prove I am healthy and I did not travel to any high/medium risk area in last 14 days. Also, I was temperated. If I got fever, I would be lead to a special outpatient department, say fever outpatient.

I took DiDi (Chinese version Uber) toward the hospital to save time. After I finished, I walked back to home, it took me around 40 minutes.