My fantastic adventure on learning languages

My fantastic adventure on learning languages


language learning
daily life

Hello there!

My name is Ann and I discover that I love the languages. This adventure started one year ago, when I ended my english course in the university. They let me choose between three extras languages (french, italian and german) in order to learn my thirth language. I am a spanish native speaker, by the way. So, I choose german.

My first german class I was fascinated and I felt very excited with this subject.

But, I relaised that my english is not good enough (you can see it right now haha)

I can understand english , my listening skills are very strong, but my speaking and writing skills are very deficient. I want to use this page to practice writing, so I'd be glad if you correct my mistakes.

Returning with my fantastic adventure, I fell in love with this language, so I started to learn Japanise ( I also found a japanese friend who really loves my country, so we canpractice the language of each other). I don't have a lot of time, because I have a lot of homework and I have to study the subjects I don't understand but I try to follow a schedule, and I try to take note in english when I'm learning the others languages, I hope I don't get confused :p

See you in other posting ;)