Just starting: my struggle to write!

Just starting: my struggle to write!



Well, this is my first time here at journaly!

I don't know how or what theme I should start to write, I just feel that I am going to delve into this subject and confront this issue.

Every language learner has a fear of sound (in this case, be read) unintelligible or less intelligent as they are. I will break the truth to you: you are going to be embarrassed trying to practice any skill to commit a lot of mistakes is the paragon path to learn another language. Although, there is a second path through long and long hours of immersion and self practice you could try, but it is probably going to be timing consuming, let's ignore it.

Tomorrow I'm going to build up more about this topic.

PS. Dear reader, if anyone is reading, I know that text doesn't make much sense, but I had to start to write anything just to break through my own demons. So. I appreciate that you read it, and correct it in order to transform it into a more natural text.