Hanson's razor

Hanson's razor




I am planning to apply for the university of Toronto, so I decided to quit my job to study for the TOEFL exam.

In Japan still not civilized in terms of law and politics, however, some can't quit the job even if they are rightful to quit. Some have no other choice but to work to their own death or to lose their job to die.

Fortunately, my working place is not so bad they comply the law at least in front of me, but , as expected, my boss tried to persuade me into reducing the working time and continuing working.

And his vibe and words' nuance made me feel his contempt, and are slightly insulting.

I had been simmering and seething, but I suddenly remembered about Hanson's razor which is "an adage or rule of thumb that states 'never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity' ", quoted from Wikipedia.(I'm still not sure how to quote. I was wondering if you are kind enough to...)

He, as far as I know, has never been to abroad, and definitely never knew, nor even imagined, what is like a young man eager to study abroad.

He just don't know at all, and so he belittle it.

If I didn't know, I might do exactly the same thing as him. Our position might be switched.

Thank you for reading through! I really appreciate it.

As I have said, I am studying for the TOEFL exam, so I may post my practice short essay.

I trust you read it, and hopefully touch it up. See you again at the next post. Bye and farewell!