Testing post

Testing post


Hey guys, since we are only a few ones I do feel that it might be good (or at least until the platform has more users) to actually write down posts in languages that we do know have natives. That way, the main goal of the alpha testing (to find out bugs) is better achieved. Since I actually introduced myself on the youtube video, I am going to type here anything that comes to my mind as I am typing this.

One thing I forgot to mention on my youtube comment is that I actually love debating about nowadays problems, I would say that it has become something I am really passionate about, because I do feel that only understanding what the other person actually thinks and feel about a certain topic, you are able to get a full picture of the problem itself and, only that way you have the full perspective about what is going on and and situate yourself in a position to suggets courses of action (I am not sure if that is actually the expression, in Spanish that is the way we say that) or solutions. With that being said, another thing I have been really interested on these couple of years is improving my oratory (the hability to talk in front of a public, make out your point and keep everyone's attention), because I feel it is something I MUST enhance in order to get better on the first thing I did mention.

Talking about another topic, since french is going to be actually the first language that I will learn by myself, I would love to read here about techniques or maybe the way you guys use the resources out there (like assimil). Here is mine, that is pretty much a way of action that I once read online.

*First, you hear the audio with the book closed.

*Then, you hear the audio again while reading on the lyrics on your native language.

*After that, you hear it again while reading the target language script.

*Close the book and hear the audio again, you should be able to understand.

*Read the notes and get the activities done.

*The day after, you do exactly the same, but as soon as your done with the lesson of the day, you do a little "refresh" about yesterday's lesson.

*Once you are in the forth lesson, you recheck the third one and then you check again the first one.

So, pretty much the "algorythm" would be: for day X, you study lesson X, and check lessons (X-1) and (X-2). I have to say that I feel it has been working out for me; have been studying french for 62 days now (yes, I am sure it has been that amount of days, I have my activities sheet that certifyes it sheet). Besides this, I have been also using memrise for the vocabulary and feel pretty confident to say that it is working out for me, I definitely feel I have not forgotten a big portion of what I have learned until now, which after all is everything we (as language learners) want.