Je ne parle pas beaucoup le polonais

Je ne parle pas beaucoup le polonais


language learning

The title is in French but here, I will just go free flow in English. In this last week of August, I want to reflect on my current language learning and my plans for the near future.

Starting with the only language that I'm actively studying at the moment, Polish, I remember that almost a year ago on September 1st I started to learn this awfully difficult but beautiful language. Polish back then was an experiment that proved my thesis that Duolingo might make your feet wet but doesn't teach you how to swim. Three months, if I recall correctly, did I spend learning every day a tiny bit with the famous green owl. I did my Duolingo studies structured and well thought but after this period I was tired of the application and stood before the choice to quit or begin to take learning Polish more serious. I opted for the latter.

Meanwhile, I had to study a lot for my Master's degree (which allowed me to be exposed to Spanish, English and Portuguese on a daily basis) and there was not really much time for learning Polish. Nevertheless, I managed to integrate the mysterious Slavic language into my tight schedule. Every morning I woke up to study one or two lessons at Babbel and in the afternoons I read a mini-story at LingQ. I even recurred to a Polish textbook. Studying Polish through input, though, has become a part of my daily routine. I now count more than 4000 known "words" at LingQ and I'm close to the end of the Babbel course. Even though speaking is still uncomfortable, my understanding of the language has improved a lot.

Time for me to relax a bit with my Polish studies and slow down the daily effort. The fact that I'm now capable to understand easy podcasts makes it also easier for me to study through input. Moreover, I'm happy to announce that, as the title might already reveal, I'm going back to my French studies, which I basically abandoned 10 years ago in high school. Interestingly, I experienced in the last months that a lot of French phrases have come to my mind and I was even capable to hold a small conversation in French. My study plan so far is just going with all the time of the world through the mini-stories at LingQ, so that I have enough time left for Polish.

Well, apart from that I'm still pondering on the certificates I want to obtain for English and Spanish. I'm not sure how to prepare and in which aspects I have to improve. I think my main challenge in Spanish might be writing, while in English grammar and speaking are clearly my weaknesses. So I'll see how to integrate this into my routine.