Feeling Disqualified

Feeling Disqualified


Sometimes, I always feel that I’m an unqualified person who should never have reached what I’ve achieved. Let’s take the impromptu speech for example. Around a half year ago, I went to take part in this campus contest. I knew for sure that I wouldn’t do an amazing job because there were a lot of exchange and international students out there participating in the very same contest. They are bound to outperform me, simply because they are English native speakers. Additionally, when I was called to come up to the stage, giving an impromptu speech about social media pranks (which I honestly have no idea how to make it work), trembling like crazy and all that sort of things. But somehow I was placed the third place in the competition. And this made no sense to me. I’m saying this because I know one of the judges well. I’m thinking that maybe it was because of her assistance that I was over-pushed into that position that I don’t deserve. Not sure what his intention was when having such a move then, but I’m sure that this misplacement has kind of left a scar in my heart, instilling the idea that I’m not qualified into my brain. Feels bad man.