Getting back into it

Getting back into it


language learning
daily life

I'm just popping in because I want to feel accountable to my language learning journey!

I am a native English speaker who started learning Spanish last November and I was really enjoying it, but I was learning by myself and I felt like I really wanted some type of interpersonal interaction to go along with it. I just totally fell off studying at some point and didn't get back to it until this week.

I was expecting to feel afraid of speaking it with someone (and I am, to a certain degree!) but I actually mostly felt like I was hungry for it, even though I am an extreme beginner. I love practicing saying the words, it feels so exciting to me and I want to find the right rhythm, the right emphasis.

I'm committing to get back into learning. I recently moved cities and I want to make it part of my routine. I'm trying to start small, just doing Babbel reviews or watching Easy Spanish videos for about five minutes a day to simply get in the habit, and then I'll start growing my studies. I am working on making some sort of study plan for myself.

I think the Babbel Live courses look so cool and I just watched Robin's videos on them, but I have to get a feel for my living costs in my new city first. They seem like the perfect format for what I want - lots of feedback, practice, small groups. I get really nervous thinking about them but also really excited.

Can anyone relate to restarting their studies? :) What worked for you, and how is it going now?