Participated in Cyber War

Participated in Cyber War


intercultural communication

Related to my previous journal/post about Shipping, there was a cyber war I participated in. This was not a new experience for me, but this time I could more understand to the the situation and how it worked.

Last week our favorite actor was hit badly after targeted for more than a month. He became a trending topic in one night. Several channels suggested fans to keep low, avoid arguing, and delete hashtag with our actor's name. Fans discussed in comment section, but sometime appeared harsh comment to bully our actor. The next day, those channels agreed to close the comment section to prevent more damage to our beloved actor.

But in worst situation, we still can find sweet moments, don't we? We discovered that many people loves this actor so much, we stood together although we are come from different countries. And as fans, we supported each other, especially for those who felt worse. We coaxed some fans who said they cried for days, felt down, loss appetite (but free from COVID of course). That was a dark moment for fans, but we know it was darkest for our beloved actor.

I found out an instagram account that bullied our actor had no post at all, no follower, and only follow 1 account.

Same case I found when presidential campaign period in my home country: an account posted comments in several channels/accounts. The comments sometimes not related to the issue, but provoked to another agenda. The accounts like this probably are made by robot. They are new, less follower (some don't have any follower), actively comment , but the comments are same and provocative. How they work? They will detect the hashtag and then plant the provocative comments, make the hashtag become a trending topic, lead people opinions, make chaos because the real people will confuse for there are too many information and opinions.

If we argued with these robot account, or brought up the hashtag, the more chaos it will be. So, I think the best we could do in cyber war is silent. Don't comment, follow the information from official account only. I know, the situation will be very tempting to put some comments. If you found provocative comments, I think the best action is to report it to admin or the platform system.