Questioning my life and my decisions

Questioning my life and my decisions


daily life

Lately, since May specifically, I've been questioning what I am doing with my life and if it is what I want to do in the future. I'm 18 and I am in the middle of my professional career. Last semester was difficult for me, not academically but emotionally, I was just not feeling like myself, and everything lost sense. I started to think and feel that this career is not what I want, that I need something else, and after thinking a lot for some weeks I found out that there were things that I didn't dare to do or learn in the past because I was insecure and probably now it's the moment to give them an opportunity and see what happens.

The thing is that it's not that easy, in some way I feel that I can't stop my career because it would be chaos in my family but at the same time I'm investing a lot of time in my studies and university when in fact I'm not that interested and that time that I spend in my classes I could use it to start these new activities that I want to try and maybe if I like them, start a career from that. Also, I would like to pay myself the classes to learn these new things but getting a job that fits with my university classes right now is hard, I feel that I need to keep trying, save money, and meanwhile see if there are some ways to learn what I want with free options or something.

I don't know, I want to change my life in order to feel better and happier but also I think: maybe I should finish this career or keep studying it until I have more economic independence and then do what I want because telling my parents that I want to pause or stop the career they been paying for, well, seems like something really difficult that I'm not sure I want to deal with at this moment, not without some economic stability.

That's all, I just needed to get these thoughts out. If there is someone reading this, thank you and I would really appreciate a piece of advice or something. If not it's ok.