Doesn't matter

Doesn't matter


daily life

Everybody has so many problems and worries. Past regrets, social anxiety, stress, time, love, the list goes on.

The truth is, no matter what you try, you will always have problems and worries. That is just reality.

So far in my life, I've found only two ways to escape the chaos of our minds:

1. Change reality

  • Our problems and worries only exist in this reality (I call it: default reality), but we all have the ability to become lucid in other worlds, other realities. I only know one way to lucidly be in another reality: Lucid dreams.

2. Don't get hurt

  • You're gonna feel pain, you gonna suffer, you gonna get anxiety, you can't avoid any of that. But it's up to you to decide whether this affects you or not. I'm not saying that you shouldn't care about anything. Just decide that you won't get hurt. That seems easy but is harder than learning how to have lucid dreams.

Although these methods are like an escape door from reality, I use them to improve this default reality. I can't say much more because I still know nothing.

Well, that's it I guess.