San Francisco

San Francisco


I hope you are having a good day! These days have been so crazy for me. Firstly because I'm trying to finish my thesis to get my degree in Electronic Engineering and Telecomunications. Also I'm in a program to be an Au Pair in the US. I found a wonderful family in San Francisco. I will be there on September 3rd so I have to do a lot of paper work and stuff. What do you when you're stressed or anxious? To manage those feelings I try to swim and ride a bike every day. I feel I can set my mind free. Sometimes it is quite difficult to have my mind withouth fears and worries. Sometimes I have a lot of headaches during the day but I try to do something.

I'm so excited at the same time because San Francisco seems so amazing. I have some friends who I practice English with. With some of them we are planing to meet each other in person. I would like to explore the city in the first month and after that maybe I can visit other cities close to San Francisco.

If you have recommendations I'm open. Have a nice day!