


daily life

Have you ever had nightmares? For me, it’s really annoying. What’s worse is, I frequently have these uncomfortable nightmares, starting from my childhood into my adulthood.

From what I remember, as a primary school student, I was severely frightened by my first, also one of the most common nightmares: zombie apocalypse. I can hardly remember any details about that dream, but what I do remember is, I woke up freaked out, staying awake for the rest of the night, keeping an eye on the window as if there were zombies outside. I was so glad that the sun broke the darkness and my family was still alive. However, on the way to school, the terrible scenes somehow repeatedly haunted my mind; as a timid kid, I felt terribly ill for few days. I hate that feeling, that I felt threatened by the nightmares. Unfortunately, these uncomfortable nightmares keep haunting me even till now.

Yesterday, another nightmare sneaked in my dream. Interestingly, though, rather than the typical type, zombie apocalypse, it had to do with titans. Yes, titans. From Attack on Titans, a renowned Japanese anime. I just finished reviewing some famous scenes before bed, and titans became my nightmare. In my dream, I was staying with my family outside the house. Everything seemed perfectly normal in the first place. All of a sudden, the sound broke the silence, and the shake broke the peace. The super-giant titan showed up, with hot steams burning the atmosphere. It was so huge and terrifying that everyone was screaming like crazy. In nightmares, the one thing I hate the most is, I always lose control over my own body. I wanted to run away, but to no avail. The titan walked in a straight direction; it trampled upon everything in his path, destroying the village, trees, houses. Since I couldn’t move, all I did was stay still, seeing the titan approaching from the distance. As it walked towards me, it seemed like tons of earthquakes followed by one another. So giant it was that when it was literally stepping in front of me, I could barely see its face. I felt like I’ve become an ant, so small, so hopeless, in contrast to the giant titan trampling everything with its big feet. And I woke up, breathing heavily and sweating restlessly.

But I closed my eyes and kept sleeping anyway. I had an 8 a.m. class and a tight schedule for the whole next day. I needed sleep. I didn’t bother to go back to sleep at the risk of dreaming the same nightmare (which sometimes happens). Sleep deprivation is essentially way more harmful than nightmares. But the good news is the titan nightmare didn't reoccur after I fell asleep.