Sleep Hygiene

Sleep Hygiene


language learning
daily life

Hi, I'm Konatsu. I skipped to write my journal for 3days.

I had a lot to think then. I was very healthy person when I lived in Japan.

I know this moving was super stressful for me because I left from my family and friends, I lost my job, the time is different and culture is also different. I felt many things I lost than I thought when I came to the U.S.

Now, I've here for half year and my life is getting better. I've been positive.

However, my sleep hygiene has not improved since I came here. Have I had jet lag yet? :(

I don't think so. Anyway I can't sleep well.

I usually go to bed by 12am and get up at 6:30 am.

I do exercise every morning for 30min-1hour before breakfast. I sometimes take a nap for 1hour around 3-4pm. I don't eat heavy foods before I sleep.

I thought I have a good habit but I feel that I couldn't sleep almost every day. Also my sleeping quality is not good by an app.

What should I improve in my life cycle?

Please give me some advice :(

Have a good day guys!