Music can help you write

Music can help you write


daily life

Hello everybody, Joseph Harper here! Well, this is my first post in English, and I hope that it will be the first of many that will be coming in the future. I really gotta improve my English and get it to a level where I can express myself in the same way that I do in Portuguese, which is my mother tongue. Well, this post won't make too much sense, I just wanna introduce myself shortly. Hey, I have some tips for you. When you guys are writing something I really recommend to do it listening to music that you consider enjoyable. For example, I'm listening in this exact moment to some heavy metal, I find it very inspiring. But there are other tips. If I'm writing in English I will listen to a song in English, and if I am writing in Finnish I listen to a Finnish song, Swedish a Swedish song, and so on. It really puts me on the vibe for writing, it is pleasant and very useful in my humble opinion. Well, last but not least, I forgot to mention. I gotta write 1 text per day, it means that i still have to write another one in English today because it is January 3rd, well, actually 2 more. JESUS CHRIST! I need to rush to write another one and two more in Swedish and two in Finnish. Wish me, luck guys. I hope you can at least understand what I'm writing because I'm writing it at a very fast speed to see if I can think fast in English. Bye for now.

Ps: I know that I've used a bunch of informal terms such as "gotta", "wanna", and I know that it is more used on a daily basis or in informal text messages, etc. I just wanna chill writing my stuff. Bye-bye!