Throw away everything you've heard about the Palestine-Israel "conflict"

Throw away everything you've heard about the Palestine-Israel "conflict"


Since I was a kid, I remember to have watched several things concerning the conflict between Israel and Palestine. There were missiles, tanks, shootings, and hate speech all across the board. To boil it down, a hellish chaos.

According to TV, it is an icky religious clash between Jews and Arabs that had sprouted two thousand years ago and lasts until today. And there is nothing that we, people from the West, could do about it. But then, really caught up in this issue, I decided to dive a bit deeper into this subject to get to know soundly what is going on in the land where Abraham and Joshua had roamed.

And then, I figured out that the whole discourse propagated on the media was a crappy lie. And now, I’m going to sum up why I came up with this conclusion.

First of all, throw away all you think you know about the conflict between Israel and Palestine. By the away, we can start to stop calling it a conflict. To be more accurate, we should call by what it really is: colonization. But you also can say “apartheid” according to the UN's definition of apartheid.

In the late 19th century, an ideology called Zionism was beginning to hold sway throughout the Jews who lived in Europe. Due to the hate spread against the Jews, they acknowledged a real demand for a state for them.

So, the Zionists started to galvanize them into this. And they decided to get hold of the region where we used to consider as Palestine. The land that once was owned by the Jews.

The motto “A land without a people for a people without a land” was coined, and then it was widely spread by the members of the movement to establish a Jewish land in Palestine.

However, they took for granted the millions of people – including Arabs, Christians, and Jews – who have lived there all along who patently pushed back this idea. After all, that land was theirs, and they could live swimmingly without claiming a country for just one ethnic group. Thus, to achieve their goal, the Zionists had to get rid of Palestinians. Even though they were most of the inhabitants of the land.

In 1948, they mustered all they had to take action toward their project, and Jewish militias started to burglarize tons of Muslim villages and kick out everybody who was living there. More than 700 thousand Palestinians – about half of the population – fled or were expelled from their homes.

Something like:

This land belongs to us. The UN gave it to us. And we don’t want you guys among us. I don’t give a shit that you had been here before, just get the fuck out of here!

On May 14th, 1948, David Ben-Gurion declared the establishment of the Israel State, and a blistering war was waged between the Arabic States and Israel.

As Israel was supported by the United States and European countries, it has won the war. Furthermore, even though the UN had established that there must be two states – Israel and Palestine – the Israelis expanded their territory, throttling the Palestinians. Gradually, the Jewish State wielded its power and rage against them.

Until today, there are Israeli settlements on West Bank – which is illegal according to international law. The Palestinian refugees are not allowed to come back to their homes. The ones who live in Israel are deemed as inferior by the law. Palestine can have neither its own state nor its own Military. There is a shortage of food, water, medicine, and many other things due to the cruel blockade carried out by Israel. And much more!

On the other hand, the so-called democracies of the world – like the US, UK, France, etc. – seem to play ignorant. In spite of everything, the Western media is still commending Israel as a legitimate and democratic country.

Is that what democracy means for you?

Not in my books.