My job

My job


language learning

Hi, I'm Konatsu. I'm going to talk about my job today.

Before I move to the U.S. I worked as a nurse in a big hospital in Japan. I have experience at ICU and ER.

There was like a different world, especially since started this pandemic.

Then I worked at the ER. We've accepted all patients include COVID-19.

Lately everyone knows about that we have to were a medical gown when Patient has COVID-19 or suspected the infection. It's not just wear a medical gown. After we look up these patient we had to clean everywhere the patients used. It takes time. Furthermore we can't touch other patients at the same time because of the infection.

You know what happen to next?

We couldn't accept other patients constantly even emergency patients . I felt very bad and sad at that time. I thought a lot about other patients who couldn't accept there.

I've seen a lot of COVID-19 patients includes died people. It gets worse quickly even they haven't any illness.

Please protect yourself and people around you.

Have a good day guys!