



You know why some people have come further than us? because they were learning when we were partying.

A destiny for me is nothing more but the finish line made up by your mind, because we achieve what we believe, a destiny for me is changeable, it is constantly changing to stay in line with who you are, a destiny for me is not a never changing static thing, but it's like the water, that takes the shape of its recipient, and like water your destiny changes accord to your choices and your state of mind, that is destiny for me.

This is why I say we must run after our destiny, because our destiny is not a static, white and black thing, but it is like water, it is constantly and always changing like the water, not because the water is changing itself, but because it is being poured into different recipients. Do you know what is this "recipient" I'm talkin' about? It is you, your actions, your mindset, your beliefs, everything you do and think, the water doesn't change itself, it changes its shape accord to its recipient, and you as a recipient is constantly changing the destiny you carry like water.

This is why I said and I say it again, please, do not crawl after your destiny, do not walk after it, run after your destiny, because the more you run to the new, the further you get from your history, the history is nothing more but the unchangeable, it is what cannot be redone, but the new can be changed and redone in one thousand different ways. If you walk after your destiny, it will walk after you, if you run after it, it will run after you, because it is changing with its recipient, run after your destiny, even though you might not know what it is.

Because I would rather prefer to aim at the moon and land upon the stars, then not to aim at all.