


multilingual book club 02


I am both excited and nervous to participate in this Multilanguage book club as it is my first time. The book I have chosen to read for the month is 再见,小天使 by 邓秀茵.

For the next month I will try my best to read it and post any thoughts I have about it. Since my Chinese is still pretty rudimentary I will most likely be posting in both English and Mandarin.

The summary:




Have you ever thought that there is a little angel just beside you? When you are happy, the angel is happy; when you are unhappy, the angel worries for you.

After an accident, Auyong RuoYi found that he could see the little angel beside him. It had a yellow halo above its head and a pair of snow-white wings on its back. The angel was kind and followed Ruo Yi around. The angel told Ruo Yi that, in the world unknown to human, apart from angels, there were also demons. Angels guided humans to do good things, while demons incited humans to do the bad. The more bad things humans do, the stronger the demons’ power would grow. In the end, angels would be expelled and the human hearts will be controlled by the demons. However, that was the secret between the angelic and the demonic worlds. Ruo Yi promised the angel that he would not reveal the secret, or else it would bring about unfortunate happenings.

However, Ruo Yi broke his promise one day. He did not realize that as a result of that, he might never see his angel again…