因為至少有兩個人願意一起讀,一起受苦受難,那我會再次試著讀一本母語者的非小說書。8/1 是頭一天,因此我還沒開始看,但是我有讀這本書的封面正面和背面,已經遇到許多新詞。現在暴露我的破爛語言程度(假如上面的病句還沒揭露),下面列出我所需要查的詞和他們的英文意思。
- 暌違 kui2wei2- separated, apart (referring here to the distance of time between his books)
- 蘊藏 yun4cang2- contain
- 啟發 qi3fa1- inspiration/ inspire
- 心底的體會 xin1di3de5ti3hui4- a way of saying inner experiences, not a dictionary term, but a phrasing with no direct translation.
- 豁達- huo4da2- magnanimous, optimistic
- 風風雨雨- feng1feng1yu2yu3- hardships and difficulties (第一個成語)
- 記事- ji4shi4- record of events
- 掛念- gua4nian4- miss, worry about
- 惦記 dian4ji4- concerned about, keep in one’s thoughts
- 搏真情朋友- It means good friends. I’m not giving pronunciation here, but this needs a note- 這個說法是閩南話,不是普通話,你查字典是無用。這肯定不是最後一次會遇到遇到這個問題。
- 摯 zhi4 - sincere
- 躍然 yue4ran2- appear vividly
- 交織 jiao2zhi2- interweave
- 取代 qu3dai4- replace, supersede
- 烙印 lao4yin4- sear, brand
- 縮影 suo1ying3- microcosm of
- 胞弟 bao1di4- brother from the same mother
- 雷驤 lei2xiang1- name of the books illustrator
- 繪製 hui4zhi4- draw/draft
- 激盪- ji1dang4- rage, dash, surge
- 提及 ti2ji2- speak of, talk of
- 何其 he2qi2- how (like: “how strange!”)
- 輾轉 zhan2zhuan3- pass through many hands/ places
- 刻痕 ke4hen2- notch, scratch
hope this helps someone, and feel free to offer your most brutal corrections