


language learning

It's been around one month or more I've been talking to my Turkish friend through video calls on Free4talk, we met each other in an interesting situation, I was tired of practicing my speaking skills with myself, so I decided to start looking for a way of finding a committed conversational partner, who would talk to me almost every day, all of a sudden I found a website called Free4talk, after 2 to 3 days talking to some foreign people I found a guy from Turkish called Kenny on a room with 3 people, I was a little shy and quiet, but this ended up creating one of the biggest friendships I have ever had, I didn't just find a conversation partner, I found a friend, a brother, another person like me.

Kenny's moving to another city tonight, in this exactly moment, 23th of July. But as a committed person he is, don't think we didn't talk just because of this simple fact, on the other hand, we talked on Free4talk as always, he was on his phone and me on mine, we usually do this on our laptops, because the internet connection is way better, the camera, and so on. But it was just magic, despite of some issues at listening to each other due to his place he showed me a classic Turkish bus, which is beautiful though, he showed me a tunnel, the moon, the street on the window, and so on. I almost let a tear falls off my eyes, that was such a magical moment, I would never think that someday I'd be speaking to a crazy dude from another country and having such a great time. And just after out conversation he sent me some pictures he shot of a bus station they stopped at, and just after two minutes he said me that two girls came up to him and said: "Hey, we heard you speaking English with your friend, you two speak really well, how can we learn it?" In his country most of the people don't speak English, so this is a big deal, even though I wasn't there in person, I was able to see the bus, the tunnel, and so on through the video call. You know, this is magic, people, life is beautiful, and even though we may not be living our dreams to the fullest, we can accomplish 'em right now! My dream is to travel this world, to meet people, to connect with them, to speak their language, to travel with them, and I'm already doing that without even going out of my country! Do not suffer preventing yourself of living your dreams now just because it isn't exactly the way you imagine it, I will travel the world, I will do all of this, but I'm already accomplish my dreams, I'm already connecting to people out of my country, I'm already seeing new places, I am already living my dreams.

If you have a dream look for ways to accomplish it now, when I say 'accomplish it now' I'm not talking about the big stuff, because it isn't so easy, is it? I'm talking about the things you can do now, don't wait, if your dreams are to talk in English with people, do it now, head on to Free4Talk and start now, if your dreams are to become a professional writer, start writing amateurs virtual books, seek a way to accomplishing the essence of your dreams now, Don't wait.

I know waiting might be complicated sometimes, but know one thing, what we are carrying is bigger than just a small goal, we are carrying a dream, it takes time, but when it hits the ground people will look at it in admiration.