Things I did before starting work this morning

Things I did before starting work this morning


daily life

Here, I write about things I did before starting work this morning.

I usually make myself coffee for breakfast. But when I woke up today, I realized that I had forgotten to buy coffee beans yesterday. I had to make a cup of tea instead of coffee. After breakfast, I was about to start working, but I couldn't help myself and decided to go buy coffee beans at a neighborhood convenience store, where it takes a few minutes to get to from home.

I then put on my coat, gloves, and woolly hat and left home. I walked through a park, went down some stairs, and headed for a shrine, which is open for people to pass through. There were five or six men wearing business suits waiting in front of the building in the shrine. I guessed that they had come here to pray for their business success this year. It is common for people who run their own businesses before they start working on the first day of the new year.

I bowed a bit in front of the main shrine building, then I went down the stairs of the shrine. There is a convenience store right next to the gateway at the entrance of the shrine. I grabbed a bag of 7-Eleven brand coffee beans, paid for it, and left the store. I thought I was going to go back the way I came, but I didn't want to disturb their praying, so I took a different route back to my house. It only took an extra minute though.

When I got home on the hill, I got warmed up. I took off my coat stuff like that, turned off the heating, and opened a window. Then, I made my coffee and started working with my coffee.

Have a nice day!