my friend

my friend


daily life

I've been trying to write in here since a long time ago, but i didn't know what to write about, but today i suddenly thought that i could write about this.

I have a very good friend, she is always so kind, often helps me when practicing english, mostly with speaking and sometimes with vocabulary, and i try to help her with spanish.

She is in USA until we start the next school year. She was often searching for new books, she found some, and i start some books too, so we decide to share our readings and talk about those later.

We finished some books this week and i´m so excited for talk about the stories with her.

The latest months i didn't have enough time to read a long book, mostly because of the school, i only had time for some webtoon comics, those are amazing, and i spend a good time talking with my boyfriend about those, but i missed reading a fisical book, so i´m so happy for reading again, and for sharing amazing stories with my friend.

That´s all i wanted to write about, if you read this, thank you and have a great day or night.:)