It's been a while...

It's been a while...



I haven't been in this journal for a while. Three months, precisely. Therefore, I was trying to figure out why I wasn't able to build a habit of writing here so far. Maybe it's because I had never the custom of writing a journal, despite I had thought about doing it many times. The whole idea of recording your thoughts is quite interesting, because you can access them in the future and realize how much your mindset changed through time. Nevertheless, it's hard simply to sit down and let the words come up when you are trying to build this habit consciously. As a matter of fact, the felling of obligation always chill the will of doing something. With this in mind, I decided just trying a new approach: to follow the flow. All in all, it's just writing in a brainstorm manner without care about anything. I've heard about this writing technique before, and actually I usually do it when I'm writing in my mother tongue, Portuguese. However, when it comes to writing in English, it's just hard to come up with a text from out of the blue. Theory and practice aren't the same anyway. Sometimes I just feel stuck, but at least I'm trying. Furthermore, maybe this text ends up as a kind of consciousness flow in a James Joyce manner (or maybe it's just me been pretentious). Although I'm not a big fan of this writing style. But who cares? This is just my journal. Anyway, I'm sorry if you came this far and are thinking my thoughts are confusing, it's just how a flow looks like. Thank you even though.