Stable lucid dreams

Stable lucid dreams


tv series

Hi there, It's me again!

So, let's get straight to the point: Suddenly, my lucid dreams have become way more frequent and stable. Well, that's very good news! But I still haven't done the PS2/PS4 experience yet... Buuut I did something AMAZING -- I went to KONOHA! I WEEENT TO KONOHA!!! Do you see how unbelievable is this?? I met Hinata, HINATA. Although I didn't talk to her. Instead, I talked with a red hair girl and a cocky one. And I did all of this while lucid.

Konoha is such a good place to travel...

Anyways, since my dreams can be very long now, I can get to do the PS2/PS4 experiment, I really want to make it a reality within a week.

So that is it for now, bye!