Do You Have a Wordpress Blog?
Chinese (Simplified)

Do You Have a Wordpress Blog?



*Reposted from: which I find easier to use due to being able to insert more media and already having a following on there... Do you have a Wordpress? If so, leave your link in the comments and I will follow you on there too! I will be reposting more often so please see my links for videos, photos, etc!

cosas que me emocionan


Ràng wǒ xīngfèn de shìqíng

New book! / nuevo libro/ 新書

Great weather/ hace buen tiempo/ 好天氣

What did you find exciting this week?

¿Qué fue lo más emocionante para ti esta semana?


Běn zhōu ràng nǐ xīngfèn de shì shénme?

Please feel free to correct my Spanish and Chinese or teach me how to say these words in a different language!