Since its creation by the Federal Government in 2009, the Minha Casa Minha Vida (MCMV) is a program that seeks to facilitate access to homeownership for low-income families in Brazil. The program provides for various forms of assistance to families in need of housing, considering the location of the property – in the city and in the countryside, family income, and the value of the housing unit. The benefits granted by the MCMV are made by income brackets. The program subsidizes the acquisition of their own house or apartment for families with an income of up to R$1,800. It also facilitates the conditions of access to the property for families with a gross monthly income of up to R$ 9,000. In addition to meeting income brackets, the participants cannot: owning or having financing of residential property, have received a benefit from another government housing program, and have debts with the Federal Government.
When there are not enough houses to serve everyone who signed up for the program, the allocation of the houses is made by drawing. To participate in the draw, the family must be enrolled in the Government's housing plan. However, only those that fit into bracket 1 (monthly income of up to R$1,800) are eligible. The choice that happens at random is made in partnership with the Minha Casa Minha Vida program and the city halls of the cities where the houses were built. Popular houses are drawn in villages or blocks of buildings. Usually, the event is held in a public place determined by the mayor of the city and the names of those awarded are disclosed during the ceremony. In addition, the result is published in the Official Gazette of the Union. And, after that, the Housing Secretariat of the municipality invites those contemplated to submit updated documents.
The winners will be entitled to the following conditions: the government bears 90\% of the property's value and the remaining 10\% can be paid in up to 120 monthly installments (ten years), ranging from R$ 80 to R$ 270, without interest. The property purchased is used in the contract as a guarantee for financing and the maximum property value is R$ 96 thousand. It is important to note that beneficiaries in bracket 1 cannot sell the property before the payment term expires. As for rent, there is an exception, but it is necessary to present documents proving that the property will not be used for commercial purposes or as an investment to generate income from the lease.