Why becoming is more important than being?

Why becoming is more important than being?


language learning
daily life

Yesterday I was watching a video about fixed mindset and growth mindset and that made me wonder if I’m using more of the fixed mindset or growth mindset in my learning language journey and in my personal life. On one hand, growth mindset states that learning and intelligence can grow with time and experience. On the other hand, fixed mindset is when you believe that your abilities are fixed traits and therefore cannot change.

I surely believe that by the intellectual capacity that human beings have, we’re are able to overcome difficulties in doing something and achieve the level that we want in any ability. However, I occasionally see myself questioning my skills in something new I’m learning, because I’m not as good as I wanted to be in that. I know that is not because you didn’t reach your goal so far that you’re never going to be able to get there. However, when you see someone progressing faster and with more easiness than you that kinda of make you feel like this subject isn’t for you. In the end, always when I’m in doubt about whether I should keep learning something that I haven’t seen so much improvement I remind myself the reasons why I decided to learn that and most of the time it helps me to get back on track.

Anyway, something that I realized while I watched the video about growth mindset was how I should give more importance to the process of acquiring a new skill instead of only focus on the result. In the overall, the result is just a short moment that you reached the goal that to had while the time that you used to reach that skill is way longer and require a lot of effort and energy. In a few words, I believe that the result can be used as an incentive to study hard to acquire an ability, but the main focus should be in valuing the process and the daily little improvements that we have and often don’t recognize.

Video mentioned in this post: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UaDLuAkh62I